FEMFFUSION works under GNU/Linux. To install, it requires the following libraries:
- deal.II 9.1.1 or newer.
- petsc 3.7.4 or newer.
- slepc 3.7.4 or newer.
Other preprocessing and postprocessing tools are also recommended:
- gmsh 3.0.6. or newer.
- paraview 5.4.1 or newer.
To install these libraries in Ubuntu is straightforward, see next sections. To do it in other distribution, please refer to the deal.II readme.
Ubuntu 20.04 or Ubuntu 22.04
Install the following libraries using the terminal:
sudo apt-get install make g++ git cmake
sudo apt-get install petsc-dev slepc-dev libdeal.ii-dev
sudo apt-get install gmsh paraview
Then, clone the FEMFFUSION repository where you want the program and compile it.
git clone https://Zonni@bitbucket.org/Zonni/femffusion.git
cd femffusion
cmake .
make release
make -j4
To check the installation, you can execute the test suite:
./femffusion.exe -t
Ubuntu 18.04
You will need to install deal.II through a PPA:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ginggs/deal.ii-backports
sudo apt-get update
Then, proceed with the installation as before:
sudo apt-get install make g++ git cmake
sudo apt-get install petsc-dev slepc-dev libdeal.ii-dev
sudo apt-get install gmsh paraview
Clone the FEMFFUSION repository where you want the program and compile it.
git clone https://Zonni@bitbucket.org/Zonni/femffusion.git
cd femffusion
cmake .
make release
make -j4
To check the installation, you can execute the test suite:
./femffusion.exe -t
If you have any problem, you can contact anvifer2@upv.es and/or yfonbar@upvnet.upv.es.